BHYS Show Ep 5 starts at my apiary, which is located on a remote part of the Berkshire Downs. I discuss a big problem at this time of year – wasps and robbers.
Some of my hives have RoboBlocks fitted to see if they deter robbing. This is a metal block which can modify the size of the entrance to the hive. Three sides of the block have different settings: sliding door, off-set anti-robbing holes, and pollen trap. My trial of these blocks is ongoing, and you can find out more about this piece of kit at Thornes.
Also, I discuss other methods of robbing control, including setting wasp traps and reducing the hive entrance. This year wasps have only appeared in small numbers, so the roboblocks have had an easy time. I am guessing that the great amount of rain over the last 12 months has significantly reduced wasp colonies.
BHYS Show Ep 5: a potted history of William Woodley
I leave the apiary and travel on foot to the village of Beedon, Berkshire. I give a brief history about modern beekeeping and the village’s famous son: William Woodley. He wrote in the ‘British Bee Journal’ and the ‘Bee-keepers Record’ for over thirty years. And as such, Woodley leaves us with a detailed account of beekeeping, Beedon, and life on the Berkshire Downs. Not to mention the social changes of late nineteenth century, including the drift of the population to the towns and cities. I have written an introduction to William Woodley.
In the podcast, I describe Woodley’s account of droughts on the Downs and also the problems with the village’s drinking water.
Writing a biography about William Woodley
My book-writing plans: I am writing a biography on William Woodley, and my blog posts are like the first-draft chapters of the book.
I do have an interested publisher, yet I need to establish an audience – hence the reason for using Substack to build a following (please subscribe to my Substack by the way.)
You can listen to the podcast here or on the player below.
Wasps, Robbers, Woodley, Writing! – The Beehive Yourself Show
I have written about William Woodley on this site, and you can read more below:
William Woodley (Beekeeper) – An Introduction
Around William Woodley’s Apiary, Worlds End, Beedon
The Story of William Woodley and the World’s First Mass-Produced Car