RSS Beehive Yourself

This post (RSS Beehive Yourself) follows-on from this evening’s talk entitled ‘Flipping the System’. Attached are a number of resources to help you find RSS links for your favourite websites. In addition, a big thanks to Sarah Plumley for giving me this opportunity to speak, and for those who don’t know, I was recently a guess on Sarah’s podcast.

I have divided this article into sections which are listed below:

Resource Materials

How A RSS News Aggregator Works

Fluent Reader – RSS News Aggregator

The ‘Is It WP’ Tool

RSS Templates

If You Need More Help…

Resource Materials

(RSS Beehive Yourself)

How A RSS News Aggregator Works

(RSS Beehive Yourself)

Windfall pears representing content. RSS Beehive Yourself.

Consider each one of these pears to be a piece of content which a creator has produced.  It might be a blog, a podcast, a video or even a cartoon image. Furthermore, they are ready for you to pick up, for free, and enjoy.  You don’t need to eat them quickly – savour them – they are from the tree of knowledge!

One means of gaining access to the content is to go the box and collect the windfalls, perhaps book-marking the webpage.  But you are busy and forget to check into the website, and you are missing-out on all those new and unbruised windfall pears.

The minion goes to the box of windfalls to find pears.

So you don’t miss out, you employ a minion who lives in a RSS News Aggregator.  You give him the directions to the box of windfalls and tell him to go forth into the metaverse and seek out new pears.

The minion returns with pear in his rucksack.

Later, a new pear drops into the box of windfalls, and the minion diligently puts it into his ruck-stack and heads home.

The minion goes to the box of windfalls to find pears.

So one Sunday morning you are overjoyed to find a new episode.

Fluent Reader – News Aggregator

(RSS Beehive Yourself)

Fluent Reader - App Store page.
Fluent Reader Icon. RSS Beehive Yourself.

Fluent Reader is a piece of open source software which is available on all platforms, that is to say Mac, PC, Android, iPhone.  It is available from most places where you would get apps.

You can find Fluent Reader by following the links below:

App Store (Mac)

Microsoft (PC)

Google Play (Android)

App Store (iPhone, iPad)

Fluent Reader - Settings Cog

On downloading the Fluent Reader you should see a screen similar to this.  You need to find the cog icon and then click on it. (See image above)

This will take you to a new page where the first tab is titled ‘Source’.

Fluent Reader - Add Feed URL

Later on I will be showing you how to find a feed address, but let’s assume you have one.

On this new page (tab with ‘Source’) – paste the feed link into the box and press Add. (See image above)

Fluent Reader - Back Button

Press the arrow to return back to the first page. (See image above)

Fluent Reader - Podcasts page

Hey presto!  You have Plumley Pod episodes.

The ‘Is It WP’ tool

(RSS Beehive Yourself)

Is It WP dot com - front page.

The ‘Is It WP’ tool will help you discover whether a website runs on WordPress. Please note that WP is the two-letter acronym for WordPress. In addition, this tool will tell you whether the site runs on Squarespace. Once you know whether a site runs on WordPress or Squarespace, you can choose the right RSS template (see the next section).

So, all you have to do is go to the ‘Is It WP’ website, put the url of the website you are investigating into the ‘analyze website’ box, and then press the button. Thereafter, you will get a yay or a nay as to whether the site runs on WordPress, or if it runs on Squarespace instead.

RSS Templates

(RSS Beehive Yourself)

Below, in bold, are templates for creating RSS links for a particular platform.

Furthermore, I have created tables which contain RSS links to some of my favourite websites.

  1. To utilise the RSS links in these tables do the following:
  2. Right click on the ‘RSS link’, this generates a drop-down menu;
  3. Then choose ‘copy link address ‘ (i.e. URLs);
  4. Place the link into your News Aggregator (eg. Fluent Reader).

Substack RSS Feed Template

Sarah Plumley – substackRSS Link
Clif High – substackRSS Link


Beehive Yourself!RSS link
Squarespace logo


Bob Moran – Bob’s CartoonsRSS link
YouTube Icon

  • Go to the home page of the YouTube channel you want the rss feed for, copy the web address.
  • Then go to commentpicker dot com and paste in the YouTube channel URL into the box.
  • Next, press the ‘Get YouTube Channel Id’ button to find the channel id.
  • Add this to the YouTube RSS template and place the URL into your news aggregator.
Beehive Yourself! – YouTube ChannelRSS link
Odysee Icon

Go to your favourite Odysee channel.  Click on the three dots and choose ‘copy RSS URL’.

Odysee Channel Banner - Click on the three dots.
Odysee Dropdown - Copy RSS URL

If You Need More Help…

(RSS Beehive Yourself)

RSS Beehive Yourself - RSS Bees.

If you are unable to find a RSS link, please leave a message in the comments box below. Moreover, please ensure you leave an url address (Example: https://the_webpage_you_need_help_with_dot_com) of the webpage you are trying to find a RSS link for. Beehive Yourself will endeavour to find you a RSS feed link.

I would love to know you thoughts, please leave a comment.

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